Our Mission.
IATSE Local 479 is dedicated to the principles of trade unionism and the representation of every worker employed in our crafts, based on the IATSE’s long history of pursuing fair wages and working conditions for its members.
Our Members.
Our members are dedicated to the creation of world class film and television products.
We will forever be committed to the protection of the negotiated rights of our members and the advancement of the best working conditions possible.
Our Leadership.
We are an organization lead by elected officers from within our membership, working in unity to represent the needs of our members.
Greg Waddle
Abby Hilton
General Secretary-Treasurer
Sara Riney
Vice President
Michael Akins
Business Agent
Brian Marino
Labor Delegate to the Atlanta-North Georgia Council
Kevin Amick
Director of Membership
Paige Jarvis
Labor Delegate to the AFL-CIO
Hanna McGugan
Sergeant at Arms

Our State Government.
As citizens of the States of Georgia and Alabama we actively work with our state leaders to foster innovative solutions for growing our industry and providing for our members and their families.
Image courtesty user DXR - Wikimedia Commons